Summary:When Soren, a barn owl, arrives at St. Aggie's, a school for orphaned owls, he suspects trouble and with his new friend, a clever elf owl named Gylfie, embarks on a perilous journey to save all owls from the danger at St. Aggie's
“KOK AKU BELUM PERNAH MELIHATMU?” Lingkungan sekitar rumah Hannah akhir-akhir ini sepertinya agak… aneh. Sejak anak lelaki itu pindah ke rumah sebelah. Tapi kapan dia pindah? Bukankah kemarin rumah itu masih kosong? Dan mengapa sekarang masih juga kelihatan kosong? Hannah belum juga berhasil memecahkan teka-teki si tetangga baru. Dia selalu menghilang secara misterius. Dan dia begitu puca…
Summary:"Jupiter and her family are buskers--folk singers and musicians, moving on when the tourists do--but her life is turned upside down when her newly adopted cousin Edom comes to live with them for the summer"-- Provided by publisher
Summary:In an effort to save a boy wrongly accused, a group of young friends living in ancient Rome search for the culprit who scrawled graffiti on the temple wall
Summary:"Gladiators were brutal fighters who risked their lives in one of the deadliest sports of all time. They performed to huge crowds in stadiums across the Roman Empire. Find out how these savage spectacles first began, who took part in them and how men were trained to become fighting machines"--Page 4 of cover
Hei, cepatlah ke sini! Aku baru menemukan puisi. Ayo, kita baca bersama! Lalu tertawa bahagia.
Summary:A biography of the women who was the Sultana of Delhi from 1236 to 1240
Summary:A new series of illustrated books specifically designed for children in elementary education, narrating the stories of those great historical figures who have left their mark on humanity in fields such as science, art, exploration, music and other subjects. Young readers will be able to read all about these famous people's main achievements, experiencing the main steps of their lives th…
Summary:When his friend moves away, a boy sets out on a journey to find her
Summary:"After Mrs. Seahorse lays her eggs on Mr. Seahorse's belly, he drifts through the water, greeting other fish fathers who are taking care of their eggs"--Provided by publisher