Masker banyak manfaatnya, loh! Selain melindungi dari udara yang kotor, memakai masker tidak mengganggu kita untuk bermain. Apa saja, sih, manfaat masker? Yuk, baca ceritanya dalam buku ini!
Aku belajar pipis sendiri di toilet. Dari mulai pipis hingga selesai, semua aku kerjakan sendiri, loh! Wah, aku senang sekali. Aku jadi bisa pipis sendiri!
Ibunda Nabi Muhammad Saw. bernama Aminah. Ayahnya bernama Abdullah. Sang ayah meninggal saat NabiMuhammad masih dalam kandungan. Bagaimanakah kisah Nabi Muhammad selanjutnya?
Learn about wild animals with Maria Montessori
What a lot of funny friends, all packed into the Jungly Tails Book! Get to know jungle animals by their tails; who is all furry!!
Reading aloud to children has never been so much fun! Introduce them to the most popular fairy tales and discover magical worlds together.
Saat ini Naura sedang senang. Matanya terlihat berbinar. Wajahnya terlihat bersinar. Hatinya terasa berbunga-bunga. Apa ya yang membuat Naura senang?
Summary:From number one bestselling author David Walliams comes another heartfelt but hilarious hoot of an adventure Stella Saxby is the sole heir to Saxby Hall. But awful Aunt Alberta and her giant owl will stop at nothing to get it from her. Luckily Stella has a secret - and slightly spooky - weapon up her sleeve ..
Summary:Amari Peters has never stopped believing her missing older brother, Quinton, is alive. Not even when the police told her otherwise, or when she got in trouble for standing up to bullies who said he was gone for good. So when she discovers a ticking briefcase in his closet containing a nomination for a summer tryout at the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs, she's certain the secretive organ…
Summary:Unexplored dungeons and the possibility of hidden treasure - the Five can hardly believe their ears. But they're not the only ones interested in what lies beneath the site of old Finneston Castle