Summary:One of a series of mini-information books on popular subjects, designed to stimulate children to learn at home, at school or just for fun. They are ideal for quick reference and a useful aid for projects or homework tasks.
Tengah wengi, aku nglilir. Aku weruh Ibu durung sare. Aku Gumun. Ibu sare ora, ya?
Ambar Pengin wasis bekelan kaya Feni kanca rakete. Nanging bekelan angel banget kanggone Ambar. Ambar bisa ora , ya?
Summary:A collection of philosphical questions and situations to pose to your children, in order to start discussions on topics such as cyberbullying, stealing, and cheating. Designed to encourage critical thinking on subjects which may otherwise be awkward to introduce
"Kungkong dheleg-dheleg ana ing dhuwuring watu gede sak pinggiring sendhang. Praupane suntrut, uange disangga, karo mripate tansah nyawang jironing banyuning sendhang. Oh! Harmonikane kecemplung sendhang. Kungkong dadi ora biso lelagon kanti harmonikane aweh panglipur kang padha lagi ngaso Waduh! Banjur kepiye, ya?
Summary:A fan's reference to Batman's entire career profiles his most significant adventures, allies, romances, and enemies while documenting how his character has evolved throughout the decades
Ing sendhang ana konser. ''Theot, theot," Theot miwiti. "Theblung, theblung, theblung," Theblung nyahut. "Kung, kung-kung, kuung," Kungkung nyambung. "Kong-kong-kong, kooong," Kongkong ngegongi. Sapa arep melu ngrungokake?
Wiwit lan kanca-kancane dolan bareng. Nanging padha bingung arep dolanan apa. Kanca-kancane ngejak penekan. Dhuh! Wiwit ora isa penekan. Kepiye ya?
Summary:"Turn the the London Eye, open and close Tower Bridge, take a ride on the Tube and more! Push, pull and slide the scene to explore the sights of the busy city."