Summary:When its illustrator cannot keep up with its reader, a story about a princess and her selfish pie-loving stepfather takes numerous silly detours
Scared Sam is moving into Moody Monster Manor and he's worried about everything including if the other monsters will be nice and what his bedroom will be like. As Sam explores the house, he meets Happy Harry, Confused Carl, Tired Tilly, Hungry Hank, Love Lulu, and more. As he gets to know each of the monsters, some of his fears are calmed. In the end, Sam's new friends help him realize that no …
Summary:What happens when Sal and her mother meet a mother bear and her cub. A beloved classic is born! Kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk! Sal and her mother a picking blueberries to can for the winter. But when Sal wanders to the other side of Blueberry Hill, she discovers a mama bear preparing for her own long winter. Meanwhile Sal's mother is being followed by a small bear with a big appetite for be…
Summary:Miles and the Swamp Band have the time of their lives playing at the Alligator Ball, until they discover the menu includes Swamp Band soup
Summary:Little Bear's four adventures include taking a trip to the moon and having a birthday party
Saat bermain, Naura memegang pipinya. "Aduh, gigi Naura sakit." "Wah, kita periksa ke dokter gigi, yuk!" ajak Bunda. Naura menggeleng. "Tidak mau!" Bagaimana, ya, supaya Naura mau ke dokter gigi?
Summary:The Thea Sisters are visiting friends in Spain when a mysterious theft turns their trip into an investigation! They end up hot on the trail of a secret treasure. The mouselets are in for an incredible adventure full of flamenco dance!
Summary:The Thea sisters are off to Madagascar for Adventure Camp. While on the nature preserve, they discover that endangered animals are under threat
Summary:Geronimo Stilton's adaptation of classic novels enables young readers to enjoy the world's greatest works odf juvenile literature. A fabumouse occassion to dicover the must-read classics in a fun and entertaining way!
Summary:This is a brilliant book packed with amazing facts and terrific trivia about things that kids have done when they are eight from writing novels and symphonies to climbing mountains and recording hit records