Kura-kura dan Kelinci adu balap lari. Kelinci berlari cepat sekali. Kura-kura berlari lambat sekali. Tiba-tiba, Kelinci istirahat dan tertidur! Wah, apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya?
Catatan Teks dalam bahasa Indonesia, diterjemahkan dari bahasa Jepang Judul asli : The little book of Ikigai
Musim dingin hampir tiba. Semut sibuk mengumpulkan persediaan makanan. Lho, Belalang kok masih asyik bermain sendiri? Jika musim dingin tiba dan Belalang tidak memiliki makanan, apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya?
Siang itu, Serigala sangat kehausan. Ketika ingin minum di sumur, Serigala malah tercebur! Byuuur! Saat Domba lewat, dia melongok ke dalam sumur, Serigala pun mendapat ide! Wah, apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya, ya?
Ayo, kenalkan balita Anda dengan berbagai jenis bentuk! Buku interaktif ini akan menjadi teman yang asyik untuk belajar dan mengenal berbagai bentuk di sekitarnya..
Summary:Featured artists are introduced chronologically, accompanied by a timeline to offer helpful historical context. Each artist's entry includes a concise biography, beautiful reproductions of major works, and lively texts. Games, quizzes and other activities help readers learn about the significant contributions of each artist in a way that is both fun and inspiring
Most bears have a sweet tooth, but this one has a heart for honey. When two tiny thieves steal his honey pot, he goes where no bear has ever gone before: to the bottom of the deep blue sea.
Summary:Invites readers to interact with a busy construction site by pulling, pushing, and sliding different tabs
Summary: Get ready for another Art Attack and give art a try with this fun and colourful activity book. Whether it's cunning codes or papier-mache models, just follow the step-by-step instructions and you can't go wrong. Turn everyday items around your home into art attacks. You don't need to be a great artist to be great at art