Summary: "This delightful pop-up book guides children gently through the reproduction process, answering all those awkward questions along the way" Notes: Pop-up book
Summary:When I feel afraid, I want to curl up and stay very still and very, very quiet, like a little lost rabbit
Summary: Text and illustrations offer a detailed look at human anatomy and physiology, with Internet links for further information
Ringkasan : Menyajikan petualangan yang sederhana, tidak hanya memberikan ilustrasi saja, namun menyajikan sebuah bentuk kerajinan tangan (teknik patchwork) menjadi sebuah rangkaian cerita yang manis dan indah. Anak-anak akan dibawa menikmati perpaduan warna dan bentuk objek dalam isinya yang sangat ceria dan cute. Sangat menarik untuk anak-anak sesuai segmen usia yang ditujunya. Belajar jadi s…
Summary: Compares the human body to a machine, and shows how it efficiently performs a wide variety of functions including eating and digestion, circulation of blood, moving, thinking, seeing, and reproduction. Suggested level: primary, intermediate
It's rainy and cold, and Albie's so tired that he doesn't want to go swimming. But when, Albie dives into the pool he finds himself swallowed by a shark-shaped submarine! He realizes these won't be any swimming lessons because this is a pirate pool! Join Albie as he goes on a underwater treasure hunt, meets scary underwater creatures and makes some pirate friends - swimming has never been so m…
Summary: Discover how a baby forms inside its mother. Lift the flaps on the pages to see how the baby changes as it grows
Summary:It's the grand opening of Traps new superstore, but nothing is working. The lights won't turn on, the doors won't open, and the loudspeaker is broken. Geronimo must figure out who is trying to sabotage the grand opening