Fox, Donkey, and Panda embark on a camping trip in their old camper van. However, the trip soon transforms into a voyage of discovery and learning as they travel all the way around the world! Children will love learning about the global destinations the pals visit, and will enjoy slotting together the model of the camper van for interactive storytime fun that brings the tale to life.
Summary:A little girl befriends a bee, which takes her on a journey of discovery in this wordless picture book
Summary:A pictorial tour of Manhattan Island presenting drawings of its neighborhoods, transportation and traffic, buildings, and the city's activities, from the local shoeshine stall to Wall Street
Deskripsi Bilingual B. Indonesia - B. Inggris ; Indonesia consists of thousands of islands. Each province has a variety of natural resources and cultural products that formed the culinary characteristics of its cuisine. In this book, we select ten cities which influence the Indonesian food cultural. Each of the selected cities represent a province and its local community.
Judul asli : What's today for? ; buku dwibahasa ; Hari ini untuk apa? Hari ini untuk menghitung butiran hujan yang turun atau menyusuri jalan setapak yang panjang. Hari ini bisa untuk membuat keinginan, mencari teman baru, atau melakukan berbagai hal yang menyenangkan. Setiap hari akan terasa lebih bermakna jika kita bisa berdamai dengan rasa cukup. Untuk para pembaca cilik yang manis umur 4 ta…