Betapa Sabari menyayangi Zorro. Ingin dia memeluknya sepanjang waktu. Dia terpesona melihat makhluk kecil yang sangat indah dan seluruh kebaikan yang terpancar darinya. Diciuminya anak itu dari kepala sampai ke jari-jemari kakinya yang mungil. Kalau malam Sabari susah susah tidur lantaran membayangkan bermacam rencana yang akan dia lalui dengan anaknya jika besar nanti. Dia ingin mengajaknya me…
Ia termasuk lima besar di kelasnya di Harvard Law School. Tawaran pekerjaan mengalir dariro hukbiro hukum terbaik di Amerika. Tapi pilihannya justru membawa bencana. Ketika memutuskan bekerja pada biro hukum Bendini, Lambert dan Locke di Memphis, Mitch McDeere mengira jalan menuju kesuksesan telah terbuka bagi dirinya dan istrinya yang cantik, Abby. Biro itu membelikan BMW baginya, membayar …
Pada 1970, salah satu koran mingguan Mississippi, The Ford County Times, bangkrut. Banyak orang terkejut dan cemas, karena kepemilikan koran itu diambil alih oleh Willie Traynor, mahasiswa dropout berumur 23 tahun. Masa depan koran itu kelihatannya suram, hingga ada ibu muda diperkosa dan dibunuh secara keji oleh anggota keluarga Padgitt yang terkenal. Si tersangka, Danny Padgitt, diadili di…
Ray Atlee adalah profesor hukum di University of Virginia. Ia berusia 43 tahun, baru bercerai, dan masih belum bisa menerima perceraiannya. Adiknya Forrest, yang memiliki masalah ketergantungan obat dan alkohol, bisa dibilang merupakan kambing hitam keluarga. Ayah mereka yang sudah tua dan sakit-sakitan tinggal sendirian di rumah tua di Clanton, Mississippi. Pria itu dikenal sebagai Hakim At…
Elizabeth costello is a humane, moral, and uncompromising creationthe subject of jm coetzee’s latest work of fiction is an australian writer of international renown -- fêted, studied and honoured famous principally for an early novel that established her reputation and from which, it seems, she will never escape, she has reached the stage, late in life, where her remaining function is to be …
PAULO COELHO'S enchanting novel has inspired a devoted following around the world. This story, dazzling in its powerful simplicity and inspiring wisdom, is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids. Along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king, and an alchemis…
A stranger arrives at the remote village of Viscos, carrying with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars. He comes searching for the answer to a question that torments him: Are human beings, in essence, good or evil? In welcoming the mysterious foreigner, the whole village becomes an accomplice to his sophisticated plot, which will forever mark their lives.
In his most personal novel to date, internationally bestselling author Paulo Coelho returns with a remarkable journey of self-discovery. Like the main character in his much-beloved The Alchemist, Paulo is facing a grave crisis of faith. As he seeks a path of spiritual renewal and growth, he decides to begin again: to travel, to experiment, to reconnect with people and landscapes around him. …
Acclaimed Caldecott artist Molly Bang and award-winning scientist Penny Chisholm present a stunning, sweeping view of our ever-changing oceans. In this timely book, acclaimed Caldecott artist Molly Bang and award-winning M.I.T. professor Penny Chisholm use poetic language and dazzling illustrations to introduce the oceanic world. From tiny aquatic plants to the biggest whale or fish, Bang and …
From the creepy blobfish and the ginormous blue whale to bizarre sea creatures that glow, camouflage, poison, eat their young, and more fascinating behavior, SEA-SATIONAL explores all manner of weird and wild life under the sea. As with all Science with Stuff titles, the colorful, info-taining book comes packaged with a real treasure--in this case some sea stars.