Includes index
Summary:Junior is so excited--his human family is going on vacation and this time they're taking him with them. And they're going to the most magical place in the world--THE WOODS! All the sticks you could possible want! Endless raccoons to chase! A lake to doggy-paddle in! It's a canine paradise! But all of Junior's best plans are ruined when Iona Stricker--the most miserable, cruel, and obedi…
The eccentric detective Sherlock Holmes with the aid of Dr. Watson investigates strange and baffling mysteries
Includes index Reprint. Originally published: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003 Summary:Since 1977, Vargas Llosa has contributed a biweekly column to Spain's major newspaper, "El Pais." In this collection of columns from the 1990s, Vargas Llosa weighs in on the burning questions of the last decade, including the travails of Latin American democracy, the role of religion in civic li…
"Over 2000 tips for the home & garden"--Cover Helps you to learn more than 2000 ways to make choices that affect not only your own life but the planet as a whole.
Buku ini memberikan bukan hanya teori muluk di awang-awang tentang konsep ENJOY dalam hidup, karier, dan pekerjaan. Melalui kisah-kisah dengan gaya khasnya yang kocak, nyeleneh, dan kreatif, tapi memiliki makna yang dalam, Dedy Dahlan sekali lagi menggabungkan inspirasi dan komedi sebagai cara untuk berbagi langkah-langkah PRAKTIS dalam mengembangkan diri Anda menjadi seorang Self Coach supaya …