This series offers a comprehensive approach to give young readers precise information in a pictorial format for better understanding. The books in this series carry various eye-opening exciting facts with bold illustrations and photography which will enhance the child's technical knowledge for a particular subject. Not only that, there are more pictures other than those in relation to the text …
How can you help save the planet? Using a child-centred approach, this series tackles how to avoid creating unnecessary waste and disposing of waste in environmentally acceptable ways. The series focuses on how simple decisions have a knock-on effect for the whole planet. It uses case studies that look at success stories; features 'Taking Action' boxes that provide tips on how individuals can m…
One of a series of titles aimed at children aged 7 to 9 that shows readers ways in which they can individually contribute towards protecting the natural environment.
'Wild Weather' is a series for primary school children. Each volume introduces the most dramatic aspects of the weather and the effects that various weather systems have on people and the environment.
Each title in this series looks at a different extreme weather phenomenon, where and why it occurs and the effects each one has on day-to-day life. Dramatic photographs bring unfamiliar weather conditions to life. Includes clearly labelled diagrams to show how weather is caused.
Serangga apa yang ahbis menyengat mati? ada kumbang yang jago menyelam? Kupu-kupu suka beperguan jauh? Serangga apa yang suka menyemnbah? Bacalah fakta seru tentang serangga yang dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi menarik dalm buku ini.
Ada kucing yang bisa melompat setinggi langit-langit rumah? Pada usia berapakah suarai singa jantan tumbuh? Apa fungsi dari ekor kucing? Kucing apa yang bisa mengubah warna bulunya sesuai musim? Bacalah fakta seru tentang kucing besar yang dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi menarik dalam buku ini.
Have you ever wondered why you sneeze? Are you curious about what is happening in your nose when you sneeze? Read this information report to learn about the chain reaction in your body that causes a sneeze. Learn how sneezing can protect you from harm
Ages 8 to 10 years. This series offers a comprehensive approach to give young readers precise information in a pictorial format for better understanding. The books in this series carry various eye-opening exciting facts with bold illustrations and photography which will enhance the child's technical knowledge for a particular subject. Not only that, there are more pictures other than those in r…
Ages 8 to 10 years. This series offers a comprehensive approach to give young readers precise information in a pictorial format for better understanding. The books in this series carry various eye-opening exciting facts with bold illustrations and photography which will enhance the child's technical knowledge for a particular subject. Not only that, there are more pictures other than those in r…