This highly popular and long-running series has been revamped for a new generation of readers, with a clean, crisp redesign and colourful covers. The series explores questions that young readers ask about the world around them in an unrivalled child-friendly style. The conversational format is perfect for delivering solid information in a natural, amusing and imaginative way. Designed to amuse …
Umji yang lebih suka makan camilan daripada sayur-sayuran tiba-tiba pingsan karena perutnya yang teramat sakit. Setelah diselidiki, ternyata Umji kekurangan gizi karena tidak mau makan makanan bergizi seimbang. Orangtua Umji dan guru-guru di sekolah pun melakukan siasat agar Umji mau makan sayur dan makanan bergizi seimbang lainnya.
Hewan air membawa para pembaca menjelajahi dunia yang dipenuhi hewan aneh dan menakjubkan yang hidup dilautan, danau dan sungai. Buku ini menjelaskan tentang hewan air yang mematikan dari seluruh penjuru dunia, antara lain pari listrik, piranha, ikan macan dan ikan viper.
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher* This is not a guidebook. And it's definitely 'not-for-parents'. It is the real inside story about one of the world's most exciting continents - Africa. In this book you'll hear fascinating tales about Dogon warriors, fearless explorers, Nollywood film stars, crazy coffins, Egyptian tombs and witch doctors. Check out cool stories about T…
Discusses, in question-and-answer format, the sources, cycle, and uses of water, why oceans are salty, and other related topics, and includes simple experimentsDiscusses, in question-and-answer format, the sources, cycle, and uses of water, why oceans are salty, and other related topics, and includes simple experiments
Bagaimanakah cara paus berkomunikasi? Paus memiliki saudara enggak, ya? Apakah balin itu? Benarkah paus dan lumba-lumba itu bukan ikan? Berapa kecepatan berenang lumba-lumba? Kelebihan seri PIXI: Penjelasan ringkas - gambar variatif - dilengkapi kotak info - full color - disertai kuis menarik
Tahukah kamu?? Bunga matahari adalah simbol dari matahari. Sama dengan matahari, bunga matahari paling sering melambangkan kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan. Saat bunga matahari sampai ke Eropa, popularitas mereka tumbuh, menjadi simbol keindahan dan rezeki. Namun tidak hanya itu, faktanya, bunga matahari juga akan tumbuh mekar mengikuti gerak terbit matahari lho, kemanapun cahaya matahari bergera…
A fantastic new series filled with the best and most amazing facts about popular science topics, and each book ncludes fun and interactive artwork clues that leads readers through the book and stimulate discussion. Perfect for efficient and reluctant readers alike, this lively series presented in picture-book style is certain to make readers say Wow! over and over again."Wow, I Didnt Know That!…
Complete with an exploration of various types of artwork, including mosaics and sketchings, this colorful book introduces young readers to the fundamentals of drawing still life through a review of the various techniques used.