Forced to take shelter when their Syrian city is plagued with bombings, young Nour and her cousin begin to bravely build a secret underground library. Based on the author's own life experience and inspired by a true story, Nour's Secret Library is about the power of books to heal, transport and create safe spaces during difficult times. Illustrations by Romanian artist Vali Mintzi superimpose t…
"As far back as I can recall (starting when I was very small) I've daydreamed, gazing into space, climbed and jumped all over the place..." Written by a pediatrician and health literacy expert, ADH-Me! is an empathetic journey from the perspective of a child learning to live and succeed with ADHD. An accessible, rhyming narrative and inviting illustrations help families know what to expect from…
Deskripsi: Inilah yang kubayangkan detik-detik terakhir Bapak: 18 Mei 1970. Hari gelap. Langit berwarna hitam dengan garis ungu. Bulan bersembunyi di balik ranting pohon randu. Sekumpulan burung nasar bertengger di pagar kawat. Mereka mencium aroma manusia yang nyaris jadi mayat bercampur bau mesiu. Terdengar lolongan anjing berkepanjangan. Empat orang berbaris rapi, masing-masing berdiri deng…
Little Rabbit is bored. Her brothers and sisters are busy with chores and her friends are out collecting worms. Her grandfather, Big Rabbit, offers to make her his assistant for the day - he's got lots of work she can help him with. Little Rabbit laughs; her grandfather doesn't have a job - he spends all day with his friends. "Why don't you come with me and see?" replies Big Rabbit. Firs…
Mengapa UNICEF menobatkan anak-anak Belanda sebagai yang paling bahagia sedunia? Apa yang membuat mereka bahagia? Apa saja kiat parenting yang dilakukan? Bagaimana para orang tua Belanda mendidik anak-anak mereka? Sebagai ekspatriat asal Amerika dan Inggris yang kini tinggal di Belanda, Rina Mae Acosta dan Michele Hutchison berusaha menjawab pertanyaan di atas sejak mereka tinggal di sana. …
MIKAL ingin memahami kenapa ayahnya harus diambil secepat itu secara tragis. Pikiran itu kerap memberatkan hati, membuatnya menjalani hari dengan muram. Namun ketika terperangkap di Son Nokta, dunia tanpa titik akhir, Mikal bertemu Princess, yang sekalipun matanya bolong sebelah, selalu ceria dan optimistis. AGUNG ingin memahami apa maksud hadirnya di dunia ketika kekurangan fisik, kemalangan, …
“Referensi terlengkap pola asuh di era digital. Sarat pesan positif dan optimis untuk menjadi orang tua berpola asuh ‘tepat’ bagi sang anak.” —dr. Aisah Dahlan, CHt, CM.NLP, Praktisi Neuroparenting Skill *** Pola asuh seperti apa yang paling efektif untuk anak kita? Apa saja prioritas utama orang tua dalam mengasuh anak? Bagaimana agar kita tidak jatuh dalam kegagalan turun-temu…
A playful introduction to maps and global geography. Interactive, warm illustrations allow young readers to learn and engage with the fundamentals of maps by drawing maps of their room, house, and town. Cities are compared to one another in terms of geographical size and population size.
Dive in to Undersea and be amazed by incredible marine life in full color3-D. From tiny seahorses to great white sharks and creatures of the wide open seas to colorful coral reefs, if you want to learn about life in the shallows and the deep, Undersea is a great place to start.