‘Crackpot’ is what everybody calls the Pott family. So when they go to buy a new car and come back with a WRECK, nobody is surprised. Except for the Potts themselves. First, the car has a name. And she tells them what it is. Then they find that she can fly . . . and swim . . . Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is a car on a mission to stop a criminal gang in its tracks – and she is taking …
Every newly independent reader will be rolling on the floor--and has a chance to solve the mystery--in this wildly wacky mash-up of chapter book and graphic novel, with art on every page, interactive seek-and-find elements, and more!
Fourth-grade class clowns George Beard and Harold Hutchins have created the greatest superhero in the history of their elementary school -- and now they're going to bring him to life! Meet Captain Underpants! His true identity is SO secret, even HE doesn't know who he is! This brand-new color edition includes an exclusive sixteen-page …
Dickens’ timeless novel transports young readers to a colorful Victorian England filled with mistreated orphans, grim workhouses, and gangs of thieving children. The hero finds himself in dire circumstances after he dares to beg for more food in the orphanage. Determined to make his way in the world, he escapes to London, where he becomes involved with criminals...and finally finds a real home.
Discover what you need to survive the hostile planet, Jakku. What secrets lurk in the ship graveyard? What do you want to salvage? What should you avoid to stay alive? Includes gatefolds with exclusive artifacts including starship schematics and more!
Deskripsi Dia bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Merengkuh aku, adikku, dan Ibu dari kehidupan jalanan yang miskin dan nestapa. Memberikan makan, tempat berteduh, sekolah, dan janji masa depan yang lebih baik.Dia sungguh bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Memberikan kasih sayang, perhatian, dan teladan tanpa mengharap budi sekali pun. Dan lihatlah, aku membalas itu semua dengan membiarkan meka…
Where could Mr Goon's nephew have disappeared to? Mr Goon has forbidden the Five Find-Outers from solving mysteries - so they decide to make one up for his nephew, Ern! But what will happen when Ern disappears, and their pretend mystery turns into a real one?
Novel ini menceritakan petualangan-petualangan seru yang menarik pembaca untuk mengikuti setiap pengalaman yang tertuang dalam cerita ini. Mereka tidak mengerti dan terus mengejek Timmy. Padahal Timmy mengenakan kerah kardus di lehernya agar dia tidak menggaruk luka jahitan itu. Begitulah yang diungkapkan George kepada sepupunya, Anne. George memutuskan untuk pergi berkemah di lapangan dekat ru…
Sinopsis Pernahkah kamu merindukan rumah? Selalu membayangkan kenangan terindah bersama orang-orang tersayang. Kenangan yang memberi semangat untuk terus berjuang, demi mereka yang menunggumu pulang. Gua Jepang adalah saksi bisu mereka yang terampas kebebasannya; para romusha yang bekerja siang-malam tanpa istirahat dan makan, tahanan perang yang disiksa, serta jugun ianfu yang dipaksa memu…
The long-awited, first OFFICIAL guide to the online gaming sensation, Minecraft You're alone in a mysterious new world, full of hidden dangers. You have only minutes to find food and shelter before darkness falls and the monsters come looking for you. What do you do? This official handbook might just save your life. Learn how to find resources; make a shelter; craft tools, armor, and we…